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Power Quality Services, Components & Seminars
Over 30 yrs of Experience

Power Quality Specialists

We offer support for your technical team in specialized areas such as the diagnosis of electrical power quality problems, prediction of harmonic distortion, power quality filter design and educational seminars. Our Goal is to help you solve or prevent power quality problems.  Power Quality Services & Products Brochure

Mangoldt Reactors

Mangoldt specializes in reactors built to withstand harmonics and PWM voltages especially for harmonic filters, PWM to sine wave filters and filters applied between the active front end (AFE) and the power system (Grid).  Low and medium voltage reactors available.

Frako Capacitors

Frako offers capacitors for power factor and harmonic filters along with accessories such as contactors and controllers for power factor correction.

Power Quality Seminars

All of our power quality seminars are purely educational (non-commercial) and are approved by the State of Wisconsin DSPS for Credit Hours. We also offer private in-house seminars at your location.

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